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Training Course on Gender Approaches to Agricultural Extension, Nairobi and Mombasa, Kenya

Gender approaches to agricultural extension is a crucial field that affects people in one way or another. The course entails gender roles and equity and its role in influencing the progress of agriculture.


5 days

Who Should Attend?

This course is intended for various actors in the Agriculture Extension (Agricultural extension officers, senior agricultural officials and policy makers) working with communities, in governments, funding agencies, Research organizations and non-government organizations among others for Agriculture support activities and other Development programmes.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, learners will be able to:

·         Develop programmes, centered on women's needs and constraints, in accomplishing their tasks

·         Raising awareness of gender issues as an integral part of a pragmatic research, extension and development work in agriculture.

·         Analysis of Roles women play in agricultural development.

·         Women play a vital role as agricultural producers and as agents of food and nutritional security.

·         Access to productive assets such as land and services, finance and extension.

·         Constraints impinging upon the ability of women to participate in collective action as members of agricultural cooperative or water user associations.

·         Issues of women tend to lack political voice.

·         Results and outcomes of Gender inequalities i.e. less food being grown, less income being earned, and higher levels of poverty and food insecurity.

·         Agriculture in low-income developing countries is a sector with exceptionally high impact in terms of its potential to reduce poverty. Yet for agricultural growth to fulfill this potential, gender disparities must be addressed and effectively reduced.

Course Content

Module I: Gender and Food Security

  • Food security
  • Food prices and food prices crisis
  • Women role in a vibrant agriculture food and nutritional security.

Module II: Gender and Agricultural Livelihoods:

  • Strengthening Governance
  • Increasing women’s voices and accountability in rural areas
  • Obstacles in women making their voices heard.
  • Potential reforms that are gender sensitive, gender specific, support empowering to women; and transformative in regard to gender and their implementation in a gender-sensitive manner.

Module III: Gender and Rural Finance

  • Access to well-designed financial services for pro-poor households build assets,
  • Engage more effectively with markets, and reduce their vulnerability to crises.
  • Microfinance for women as an effective gender strategy to increase women‘s role in production.
  • Mainstreaming gender throughout the financial sector.

Module IV: Gender and Agricultural Markets

  • Traditional gender divisions of labor and their impact on household consumption.
  • Policies and interventions and their implications on food security.
  • Food security and welfare.
  • Impact of increases in women’s resources and income on education, health, and nutrition and increases investment in the family’s welfare.
  • Access to infrastructure services, information, credit, and other business development services in order to capitalize on the new market opportunities along changing or emerging value chains.
  • The formation of women’s groups to improve rights and access to services.

Module V: Gender Mainstreaming in Agricultural Water Management

  • Agriculture water management (AWM) includes irrigation and drainage.
  • water management in rain-fed agriculture.
  • recycled water reuse, water and land conservation, and watershed management.
  • Water rights are directly related to land rights in many countries.
  • Involvement of Women farmers in the planning and implementation of land and water management programs.
  • Water quality also requires particular attention in AWM.
  • Planning projects for multipurpose uses requires a thorough investigation of the non-agriculture uses and in particular of women’s needs.

Module VI: Gender in Agricultural Innovation and Education

  • Crucial strides towards representation of women in higher spheres of life (education, as scientists, researchers, and extensionists, and policymakers).
  • Comparative analysis of access to information, extension, advisory services, and education by women.
  • Comparative analysis of access to improved technologies by women and resulting consequences for women.
  • The need for Research, extension, and education systems to engage women.
  • The need Agricultural policies to support women’s involvement in innovations systems and to revitalize women’s groups and networks to be competitive, visible, and recognized.

Module VII: Gender Issues in Agricultural Labor

  • Creating dynamic rural economy in both the agriculture and the nonfarm sectors, by focusing creating good investment climate.

Module VIII: Gender in Rural Infrastructure for Agricultural Livelihoods

  • Ensuring gender equity in planning, decision making, and management processes in  the development of the infrastructure and services in a manner that balances gender disparities.

Module IX: Gender and Forestry/Natural Resources Management

  • Women’s needs for environmental resources such as  fuel and water.
  • Improved natural resource management and conservation practices and its benefits.
  • land rights, women and men farmers.

Module X: Gender in Agriculture, livestock production

  • Formation of gender-responsive management bodies and small groups for accessing resources needed for aquaculture development.
  • Provision of gender-responsive advisory services that address systematic bias in the generation and delivery of these services.
  • Action to enable marginalized groups of processors, and traders to access markets and to obtain improvements in work conditions in labor markets.
  • Support to marginalized groups, including poor women, in identifying and sustaining alternative livelihoods to reduce reliance on their fishing activities, which put pressure on the fragile and constricted marine resources and coastal ecosystems.

Module XI: Gender Issues in Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Addressing gender concerns in designing agricultural and rural development projects, providing ideas and indicators, principles, approaches, and practical options - for improving the M&E of outcomes and impacts.
  • Monitoring and evaluation (M&E) as accepted important steps for assessing progress toward specific outcomes and for measuring impact.



The instructor led trainings are delivered using a blended learning approach and comprises of presentations, guided sessions of practical exercise, web-based tutorials and group work. Our facilitators are seasoned industry experts with years of experience, working as professional and trainers in these fields.

Key Notes

i. The participant must be conversant with English.

ii. Upon completion of training the participant will be issued with an Authorized Training Certificate

iii. Course duration is flexible and the contents can be modified to fit any number of days.

iv. The course fee includes facilitation training materials, 2 coffee breaks, buffet lunch and a Certificate upon successful completion of Training.

v. One-year post-training support Consultation and Coaching provided after the course.

vi. Payment should be done at least a week before commence of the training, to DATASTAT CONSULTANCY LTD account, as indicated in the invoice so as to enable us prepare better for you.

Course Schedule

Start Date End Date Register
16/09/2024 20/09/2024 Register
07/10/2024 11/10/2024 Register
21/10/2024 25/10/2024 Register
04/11/2024 08/11/2024 Register
18/11/2024 22/11/2024 Register
02/12/2024 06/12/2024 Register
16/12/2024 20/12/2024 Register
Get In Touch

College House , Along University Way , Nairobi, Kenya

+254724527104/ +254734969612



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